As we had announced, on Thursday, May 5, we held a meeting at Bilbao’s Euskararen Etxea that brought together prominent personalities from the world of the Basque language. The space, moderated by the journalist Agurtzane Bilbao, was attended by Patxi Baztarrika, renowned Euskaltzale, linguist and politician, Paul Bilbao, director of Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua, Miren Agurtzane Elorduy, professor and researcher at the UPV, Kepa Erdozia, professor and researcher from the UPV, Maddi Etxebarria, from Elhuyar Fundazioa, and Miren Elixabete Larrinaga, professor and researcher at the UPV.
In a relaxed atmosphere, the attendees outlined some of the main challenges that the Basque language has to face. The session was broadcast in its entirety on YouTube, and the complete recording is available here: