
Courses about the 2030 Agenda

Courses about the 2030 Agenda

Environmental seminar organized in 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the UPV. Continuing the activity that we started last year, this year we will also organize four special courses at the University of the Basque Country that will address the contents of the 2030 Agenda. In this way, we will work together with university students and professors on six major Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda. Objectives 8 (decent work), 10 (cooperation and volunteering), 13, 14 and 15 (directly related to the environment) and 16 (Peace and Coexistence). These courses will be held at the beginning of the 2024-2025 course in October and November.
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New courses

New courses

The workshops are organized in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country throughout the year. The Leizaola Foundation, in collaboration with the Rights Forum, will organize new workshops on 7 and 16 May. The first workshop on the 7th was "Conflict Resolution. It will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Donostia Adult Education School. The second, which will be held on the 16th, will address the theme "Sexual and gender diversity (LGTBI+) and coexistence from the perspective of human rights", which we will offer at the Bizkaia Experience Classrooms.
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Basque music and dance

Basque music and dance

On February 9, we celebrated the now classic Basque music and dance recital at the El Carmen hall in Bilbao, which also included bertsolarismo and other manifestations of Basque popular culture. Performing were the pianist María Solinís, the txistulari Urtzi Leginetxe, the singers Miriam Lujua and Alazne López, the San Antonio de Iralabarri choir, the dance group Beti Jai Alai and the bertsolari Arkaitz Estiballes, presented by the journalist and radio host Agurtzane Bilbao. In this link it is possible to see the recording of this magnificent show.
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Workshop on sexual diversity

Workshop on sexual diversity

Next February 27, from 18:30 to 20:30, the workshop "Sexual diversity (LGTBI+) and coexistence from the perspective of human rights" will be held at the adult education school in Bermeo. It will be an open activity, and as in the other workshops we have organized, this time we will have the opportunity to explain the keys and foundations for working together from the perspective of sexual diversity.
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Gonzalo Nardiz exhibition

Gonzalo Nardiz exhibition

The exhibition about Gonzalo Nardiz, who was agricultural advisor to the first Basque Government in history, is now visiting its last locations. The exhibition began its journey last year, with an excellent reception by the Basque towns in which it has been installed. From February 5 to 19 it will be open at the Okendo culture house, in Donostia. From February 19 to March 4 he will settle in his hometown, Bermeo, at the Nestor Basterretxea culture house. From March 4 to 18, it will stop at the Basurtu civic center, and from there it will visit its last location, at the Lakua social house, in Gasteiz.
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Visits to the Basque Parliament and Gogora

Visits to the Basque Parliament and Gogora

As on previous occasions, the Leizaola Foundation organized a visit to the Basque institutions on 26 October. On this occasion, more than 50 young students from the Faculty of Law of the UPV/EHU have had the opportunity to get to know the seat of the Basque Parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz, to participate in a direct plenary session and in a paper on the history and functioning of the institution by protocol staff. The group then moved to the headquarters of the Basque Memory Institute, Gogora, where they were presented with this institution and the work it develops for the recovery and preservation of Basque historical memory.
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Initiatives to publicize the Agenda 2030

Initiatives to publicize the Agenda 2030

Since last September, the Leizaola Foundation has been developing an extensive programme to disseminate the sustainable development objectives set out in the 2030 Agenda to society and especially to young people. For this reason, special publications and content have been made and conferences and round tables on the subject are being held at the UPV. These dissemination and social participation activities will be extended throughout 2024.
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We continue to develop the CEPA project.

We continue to develop the CEPA project.

En el marco de las actividades de promoción de los valores de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos en la sociedad vasca, y especialmente entre colectivos vulnerables, la Fundación está realizando en 2023, a lo largo de toda la CAPV, diversos cursos de formación y sensibilización. El objetivo principal de esta acción es favorecer la convivencia y la inclusión pacífica y próspera, y las formaciones se imparten a través de la EPA (Centro de Educación Permanente de Personas Adultas).
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The exhibition about Aldasoro comes to Erandio

The exhibition about Aldasoro comes to Erandio

View of the panels that make up the exhibition. The Josu Murueta civic center in Erandio, Bizkaia, will host the exhibition on the figure of Ramón María Aldasoro between February 6 and 20. The exhibition includes the life and political trajectory of the greatest exponent of Basque republicanism back in the 20s and 30s of the last century. Brilliant lawyer from Toulouse with an office in Bilbao, he was a member of the first Basque Government, in which he held the position of Minister of Commerce and Supplies, standing out for his excellent management skills and his great loyalty to Lehendakari Agirre.
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Exhibition about Ramón María Aldasoro

Exhibition about Ramón María Aldasoro

Juan Ramón María Aldasoro Galarza was a Republican lawyer from Tolosa and Basque. He was Minister of Commerce and Provisioning of the first Basque Government, in times of the Second spanish Republic. But the Civil War that frustrated everything would condemn him to exile like all the members of that first government. And there he died, in exile, specifically in Cuba, in 1952. Today, very few know his figure and, for this reason, we have organized an itinerant exhibition on Aldasoro and the time he had to live. It can be visited in different towns and cities of the Basque Country, announcing here the dates of each of the exhibitions.
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